Our Elementary Science teacher, Mrs. Brunk had her 2nd-grades build prototypes of bird feeders based on where a bird would perch. Is the bird a tray feeder, a peg, or a hanging feeder? All of these factors went into their designs.
Middle School Western Day
Middle Schoolers have been divided into houses to create comradery. Each house earns points for good deeds or going the extra mile. For Western Day, anyone who dressed up was awarded points for their House.
Words of Advice from our Ag Program Alumni!
Here is the sports update for the week. There are many moving parts this week in the world of 1/2B sports. Please visit www. wiaa.com to get more information on possible games this week. Go Canes!!!
Preschool is learning about opposites! What's the opposite of day? NIGHT! Circle time with Mrs. Messmer included using a flashlight because nighttime is dark. It is only appropriate to wear pajamas and bring stuffed animals because that's what we do at night.
What's on the menu? Our Home Economics 2 class made a classic grilled cheese and tomato soup. From the bread to the roasted tomatoes, every bit was from scratch and made by our three Home EC 2 students. This section of Home EC also does meal planning, shopping lists as well as baking for our cafeteria program. They make the high school smell delicious!
Last week our 6th graders hosted a museum all about ancient Greece. Parents, grandparents, and friends were invited in to learn about Greek food, culture, housing, maritime, and much more.
Last night was our Fall High School Concert where Band, Choir, and Chamber Choir performed. Thank you to Mr. Coppi, Mrs. Cummings, and Mr. Thayer for all of their hard work preparing our students to display their musical gifts.
"Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his people, the sheep of his pasture." Psalm 100: 1-3
Sports Update for 10/23 - 10/28
High School Spirit Week was so much fun!
Wreath and Poinsettia sales end on Monday! Make sure you get yours now!
Our High School students have worked hard all quarter and are eager to let their LIGHTS SHINE at our Fall Concert!
Middle Schoolers love their weekly lunchtime games. This week it's the Cookie Challenge - Can you get an Oreo from your forehead to your mouth in under a minute?
Sports for this week
Yesterday our Middle School Student Council met during lunch with their advisor Ms. Hooyer. They have big plans on how to improve Middle School and are working on ways to implement their ideas.
Elementary has been waiting and it was finally their turn! K-5 hot lunch started today and students were pretty excited.
It's Mrs. Hayward's first grade who gets to bring stuffies to school! They have been working hard to earn marbles for their good behavior and today they were rewarded for filling up their jar!
Sports for today 10/12
Did you know we offer shop? Mr. Mucke, our shop teacher, pours his gifts and talents into our students allowing them to use their creativity and talents. Thank you Mr. Mucke!